Host help
Last updated on Friday 28 June 2024

Contacting Past Customers

On occasions, you may need to contact past customers who have already attended an experience.  

Whilst a message can always be sent to an individual through the Yuup Messenger Platform, you might also want to contact all customers who attended on a certain date.  

Contacting through the Calendar tab

Once you sign into your host portal, on the left-hand side of the screen, select the Bookings tab, and then Calendar from the dropdown menu.  

Scroll back to the specific date you want to access in the calendar using the "<" arrow.  

Select the date that the customers you'd like to contact attended.

After selecting the event, the option to View bookings on that date and experience will pop up beneath the calendar. Click this option to view all previous attendees.  

You will be taken to a new page which will list all attendees. You can message them all individually through the platform by clicking View full booking -> Message customer.  

Alternatively, to message all customers who had booked onto this event, you can click on Message all bookings in the top right of the page. The message will be sent to all customers who can then respond individually via the platform. 

You might want to use this feature to relay important information that is relevant to the customers after the date of the experience has passed (e.g. how to pick up a pot they made during a crafts experience).  

You can also access customers' mobile numbers by clicking on Download participant list.  

Please note that Offline bookings will not receive messages sent through this feature, as no email address is associated with their booking.  

Contacting customers via automated email 

You can also set up automated messages that go out to customers one day after the experience has passed by going into the Experiences tab and editing the experience/s you want to add an automated message to. 

Once on the relevant experience page, you can select Emails from the header at the top.  

On the Emails tab, scroll down to Automatic messages. When selecting When to send it, choose 1 day after the experience and an email will be automatically released to the customer the day after they attended the experience.  

Host help

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