Wellbeing and happy experiences to enjoy in Bristol 2022

Happy and healthy activities to make 2022 your best year yet

Last updated on Friday 28 June 2024

A new year often means a fresh start for people. As Christmas comes to an end people start looking forward to the next year with a "new year, new me" attitude.

People set themselves goals like losing weight, hitting the gym, healthy diets, and new routines, but these new year resolutions can be really restrictive, unsustainable, and miserable! No wonder most of our new year's resolutions are broken within the first few weeks of January. Then we end up feeling bad for being unable to climb the massive mountain we gave ourselves.

Well, not this year! 2022 is for a resolution you CAN do.

2022 is for doing or discovering something that makes you happy. It's that simple!

Wondering what might tickle your fancy? Here's some inspiration to help you find your happy:

Pick up a new hobby:

Try pottery classes and workshops in Bristol

Pottery is looking to be a really popular hobby in 2022! The hands-on meditative nature of pottery means that it's a great way to de-stress whilst being creative- the perfect combo.

Picking up a new hobby is a great way of generating some feel-good chemicals whilst boosting your self-esteem and confidence. Time spent doing a hobby is time dedicated to just yourself and you'll love the mood-boosts your brain gets from problem-solving.

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Learn a new cuisine:

Learn a new cuisine or regional dish in Bristol

Going out for a meal will score big points when looking for a pick-me-up, but there's another level of warm fuzzies to be had when you learn to make a new cuisine.

You get to mix up the day-to-day meals whilst having an excuse to invite a bunch of people to yours- win win. Sharpening your kitchen skills is good for your gut, heart, and mind; reduce restlessness and enhance mindfulness by whipping up something tasty.

You might want to try:

Cook a Lebanese feast

Belgium waffle making masterclass

Master vegan cuisine

Declutter the mind:

Plan ahead and get organised in 2022

Make 2022 the year you banish the brain fog and the overthinking! Get in touch with your mind and you'll find the things that really make you happy.

Sometimes we need a bit of help in overcoming self-doubt and achieving our passions, and this is where mindfulness and planning come in! Set yourself up for a #goals 2022 with an in-touch experience that gets to the heart of what you truly want!

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Manifestation: A Masterclass in Life-Sculpting

Private confidence building masterclass

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Get in touch with your body:

Wellbeing and active experiences in Bristol

We all have different ways we like to connect with our bodies and feel the joy of sensation and movement. You might be someone that enjoys the feeling of breeze on your skin, you might be someone that loves to shake and shimmy, you might be someone that likes a challenge, you might be someone who likes to take it easy. 2022 is the year to do just that!

However you like to connect with your body is down to you, it's all about what feels good and makes you happy!

You might want to try:

Traditional Afrikan dance for beginners

Wim Hof fundamentals workshop

Learn to Salsa

Find more feel-good fun for a happy and healthy 2022 here!

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