Yuup has created this directory to help experience hosts in Bristol, Bath, Birmingham and Cardiff find the perfect space for hosting their experiences. From boats to railway arches to dance studios, green places to quirky craft workshop spaces and cool kitchens for cooking experiences, we are keen to discover them all.
The legal bit: Hosts may use this space directory to assess potential venues for hosting their experiences based on information freely provided by the venues. It is the responsibility of the host and the venue to confirm the suitability of the space for the host’s experience and agree mutually acceptable terms. Yuup does not endorse or warrant the suitability of any space to meet a host’s requirements. By providing details of your venue, you consent to Yuup sending you regular email updates. You can opt out of these updates at any time. Once submitted to Yuup, your listing will typically appear in the directory within 1-2 working days. We will contact you directly if we have any queries about your submission.